A little extrinsic motivation never hurt anyone, right? Here at Music Mindfully, we use Muzie as our hub for online lessons, resource sharing, and lesson notes communication, but did you know that there are some incredible built-in practice tools that are designed to motivate students? OH YEAH! Read on to learn a little more, the log in to your Muzie account to check it all out yourself.
Muzie takes practicing and turns it into a game with a little friendly, studio-wide competition. When you log in to Muzie at home when it's time to practice, you'll be able to see your lesson notes, access all your files, the whiteboard, the on-screen piano keyboard, and, my favourite,,,, the practice timer. This tool not only allows students (and parents) to track their practice habits, but by using this tool students can earn awards, stickers and maybe even a coveted spot on the practicing leaderboards!
Students who are already using the practice timer have been some of my most consistent practicers. Whether that's because they're using Muzie during their practice or not, I can't say, but I can tell you that they are pretty pumped when they earn a sticker or an award!
I highly recommend getting used to using this practice tool now so you're ready for our studio-wide practice challenge coming up later this year! There will be PRIZES!!
Check out this how-to article from Muzie if you're having trouble accessing or using this tool.